Sunday, 19 October 2008

Business process management technology supports business process agility

Many organizations use business applications, where processes and business rules are hard coded into the technology. This makes it difficult and time consuming to make changes for pro-active or reactive response i.e. to be agile. Platforms such as Mendix and Cordys are based on BPM and model-driven applications. The best BPM approaches empower business users to build processes that can be adapted to meet their business needs. The days of writing a requirements document and then "tossing it over the wall" to IT are over. The Model has become the Application.

Further reading:
Business Process Management Wikipedia
Business Process, Business Rules and the Agile Enterprise (BPM Institute
Achieving Business Agility (
Process Innovation and corporate agility (BP Trends)
Using BPM and SOA (BPMRoundTable)

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